
4.7 (33)
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Online exam & assessment platform for students & admins

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4.7 /5
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Ease of Use
Customer Support

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33 Reviews

Overall rating
  • Industry: Internet
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used for 6-12 months
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Great platform!

Reviewed on 2018/10/30

A tool that simplifies the life of a teacher giving us a sense of security, comfort, simplicity...

A tool that simplifies the life of a teacher giving us a sense of security, comfort, simplicity when dealing with students' assessments.


- Super great support team
- Easy for both students and teachers
- A great way to counter issues such as time consuming correction sessions


I have not met any limits to the tool yet!

Response from TestWe

I'm so glad to hear that TestWe has been a positive experience for you!

It's fantastic that you've found the support team to be helpful and that the platform is easy to use for both students and teachers. That's exactly what we strive for. And it's wonderful that TestWe has helped you save time on grading.

Regarding your comment about the platform simplifying your life as a teacher, I couldn't agree more. Our goal is to make assessment more efficient and less stressful for educators. Thank you for sharing your positive feedback.

If you have any other thoughts or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them. We're always looking for ways to improve TestWe.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 201–500 Employees
  • Used for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 7.0 /10

First TestWe review after 5400 tests

Reviewed on 2019/01/30

The organisation of TestWE exams requires very efficient processes. After adjusting these, we plan...

The organisation of TestWE exams requires very efficient processes. After adjusting these, we plan to increase our number of copies during the second semester (10,000). We like it!


It is a very user friendly software. The feedback organized with the students has shown that they preffered TW to a classic exam paper.


The interface needs some adjustments. The spreadsheet module must be improved and the subject creator must have the opportunity to test his or her exam in "student" mode.(development in progress).

Overall rating
  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Weekly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

TestWe Review

Reviewed on 2024/10/09


Flexibility, possibility to do exams offline


Not applicable we had no issues with TestWe so far.

Overall rating
  • Industry: E-Learning
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 9.0 /10

Very positive experience, very much recommended!

Reviewed on 2024/10/10

Testwe is a very versatile platform, you can conduct different types of exams, the proctoring is...

Testwe is a very versatile platform, you can conduct different types of exams, the proctoring is very efficient and there is constant improvement of the product. The support and customer relationship is also very excellent.


Exams can be conducted offline, and they usually improve and release new versions of the product.


TestWe so far cannot be integrated with Canvas.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Education Management
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Weekly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Great Software

Reviewed on 2019/01/29


-user friendly interface
- great support team
-easy for both students and teachers
-simplifies the life of teachers who mostly are abroad


there is nothing that i hated about this software

Helio Anderson
Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 51–200 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

TestWe - segura e confiável.

Reviewed on 2024/10/25

Em 2020, eu era o coordenador do PPG-Quimica/UFMG e devido a pandemia, decidimos aplicar os exames...

Em 2020, eu era o coordenador do PPG-Quimica/UFMG e devido a pandemia, decidimos aplicar os exames de seleção de forma online. A TestWe foi a nossa parceria neste processo. Quando a SBQ decidiu criar o Exame Unificado de Química, eu fui o coordenador e decidimos utilizar a TestWe. A experiencia com a TestWe sempre foi muito boa e atendeu as nossas expectativas.


A segurança e confiabilidade da plataforma.


O processo de acesso as notas por parte do aplicador pode ser melhorado e torná-lo mais amigável.

Alternatives Considered

Reasons for Switching to TestWe

Pela seguranca, na coleta de imagens, instalar o aplicativo e download da prova com antecedencia, mais resiliente em caso de falha de internet.
Overall rating
  • Industry: Banking
  • Company size: 10,000+ Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 8.0 /10

Recrutement Inspection générale BPCE

Reviewed on 2024/12/19

Utilisation de la plateforme dans le cadre d'épreuves écrites distancielles sur près de 700...

Utilisation de la plateforme dans le cadre d'épreuves écrites distancielles sur près de 700 candidats annuels


L'ergonomie de la version 2 (deuxième saison d'utilisation), tant du côté administrateur (interne IG) que correcteurs ;


A ce stade, nous ne rencontrons pas de problème d'utilisation

Overall rating
  • Industry: Biotechnology
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Avaliação TestWe

Reviewed on 2024/12/06


Praticidade e confiabilidade, segurança e facilidade de uso da ferramenta.


Nada a declarar já que não há pontos negativos a apontar

Overall rating
  • Industry: Legal Services
  • Company size: 51–200 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Plateforme intuitive qui garantit la sécurisation de nos examens.

Reviewed on 2024/12/13

Plateforme intuitive et support client efficace

Plateforme intuitive et support client efficace


Plateforme intuitive qui permet d'être autonome dans la création et la planification des examens. Support administrateurs et support clients très réactifs.


Demande une vérification des PC en amont

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 10,000+ Employees
  • Used Monthly for 6-12 months
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Ease of Use
  • Likelihood to recommend 9.0 /10

Marcelo RL

Reviewed on 2024/12/13


A capacidade de examinar candidatos à distância


Dificuldade de criar questões mistas, fechadas e abertas

Overall rating
  • Industry: Utilities
  • Company size: 10,000+ Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 8.0 /10

Avis TestWe

Reviewed on 2024/11/18


Possibilité d'organiser des tests en ligne de manière régulière, flexibilité et discussion possible avec l'équipe TestWe, le service de protoring, communication avec TestWe qui s'est grandement améliorée lors de ces derniers mois et leur volonté de mettre en place des changements afin d'améliorer leur service. Volonté également de mettre à jour la plateforme le plus rapidement possible afin de régler les défauts signalés.


Certains défauts de la plateforme qui ne permettent pas d'organiser les tests en ligne de manière 100% conforme à ce qui nous est indiqué ou communiqué aux candidats. TestWe ne peut pas toujours nous confirmer d'où vient le problème que des candidats ont rencontrés et nous devons pousser pour avoir une analyse

Response from TestWe


Thank you very much for your detailed feedback on your experience with TestWe. We are delighted that you appreciate the ability to organize online tests on a regular basis, the flexibility offered, as well as the improved communication with our team, particularly regarding the remote monitoring service.

We understand that you have encountered some challenges related to platform malfunctions, impacting the organization of online tests in line with candidates' expectations. We regret these inconveniences and would like to assure you that we take your concerns very seriously. Our technical team is currently analyzing these problems in order to resolve them as soon as possible.

We encourage you to continue to send us your observations and suggestions. Your feedback is essential to enable us to continually improve our service and better meet your needs.

Yours faithfully

The TestWe team

Sonia A
Overall rating
  • Industry: Government Administration
  • Company size: 1,001–5,000 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Olimpíada de Biologia

Reviewed on 2024/11/13

Há anos contratamos os serviços da TestWe para aplicação de provas da Olimpíada Brasileira de...

Há anos contratamos os serviços da TestWe para aplicação de provas da Olimpíada Brasileira de Biologia. Sempre fomos bem atendidos, principalmente pela Sra. Rafaela Manes.


Qualidade de serviços e atendimento muito bom


Feriados franceses que impactam no calendário brasileiro. Uma empresa global não deveria ter esse sistema de operação.

Response from TestWe


We would like to thank you sincerely for your positive feedback concerning the quality of our services and customer support, in particular the assistance of Ms Rafaela Manes. We are delighted that our solutions contributed to the success of the Brazilian Biology Olympiad.

We understand that public holidays in France, such as May 1st (Labor Day), May 8th (Victory in 1945), July 14th and August 15th (Assumption), can have an impact on the online exam schedule in Brazil.

To better coordinate our efforts and minimize the impact of these holidays, we propose regular meetings at times convenient to both parties. What's more, our team is available to provide any technical or logistical assistance you may need, taking into account cultural specificities and local calendars.
Please let us know your specific needs so that we can adapt our services accord

Sincerely yours
The TestWe team

Denise Maria
Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Três anos com a TestWe

Reviewed on 2024/10/24

Minha experiência de três anos com a TestWe sempre foi de cordialidade, respeito e profissionalismo...

Minha experiência de três anos com a TestWe sempre foi de cordialidade, respeito e profissionalismo na execução dos contratos. Daí minah avaliação muito postitiva.


Gostei da segurança que a plataforma garante, considerando tanto o acesso da equipe que elabora os exames quanto, em especial, as barreiras contra fraude por parte dos candidatos. Também é muito interessante a diversidade de questões e mídias que podem ser incluídas nos exames, é aplicável a provas de distintas naturezas.


O que menos gostei foi o fato de estarmos em fuso horário distinto da equipe da TestWe, o que gerava espera em respostas e para a soluções de certos problemas; por vezes, isso nos trazia prejuízos. Acredito que o desejável, considerando o atendimento de países de continentes diversos, seria haver plantão 24 horas.

Alternatives Considered

Reasons for Switching to TestWe

Mesmo não tendo sido eu a escolher, posso informar que a Instituição considerou, especialmente, a segurança do processo e a viabilidade de aplicação em todo o Brasil, já que o candidato não precisava ficar online ao longo de toda a prova e isso não evitava fraudes ao processo.
Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Un excellent logiciel pour les évaluations

Reviewed on 2024/10/31

Nous utilisons TestWe depuis près de 10 ans pour effectuer les contrôles continus des nos étudiants...

Nous utilisons TestWe depuis près de 10 ans pour effectuer les contrôles continus des nos étudiants en BTS en présentiel. Après un temps d'adaptation, les enseignants se sont rapidement approprié l'outil.
Les étudiants sont très satisfaits également. Ils peuvent revenir sur ce qu'ils ont écrits sans avoir à raturer. Ils reçoivent leur copie sur la plateforme dès qu'elle est corrigée.
L'équipe technique de TestWe, toujours réactive, nous a bien accompagnés dans l'utilisation de la plateforme.


1. Evaluer sur ordinateur, c'est proposer des contrôles adaptés davantage aux compétences attendues en entreprise. En effet, nos étudiants seront amenés dans leur travail à rédiger sur ordinateur et non sur feuille.
2. Le correcteur n'a pas de difficultés à déchiffrer le contenu de la copie. Il en est de même pour l'étudiant lorsqu'il lit les appréciations du correcteur.
3. La correction est plus rapide. L'enseignant peut alors prendre plus de temps pour donner d'avantage d'explications sur les erreurs rencontrées.
4. C'est une économie de papier.


Pour corriger, il faut avoir une connexion internet. C'est un plus contraignant pour les enseignants qui corrigent dans le train par exemple.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 10,000+ Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

O melhor software para prova remota no Brasil

Reviewed on 2024/10/23

Boa experiência no geral, principalmente no tratamento individualizado e respeitoso que recebemos.

Boa experiência no geral, principalmente no tratamento individualizado e respeitoso que recebemos.


Robustez de uso em hardwares de diferentes capacidades


Os poucos problemas que surgem são de difícil diagnóstico, principalmente quando as gravações param de funcionar.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Government Administration
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 6-12 months
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 9.0 /10

Avaliação TestWe

Reviewed on 2024/10/28

No geral tem sido uma experiência positiva e todos os problemas que têm surgido são logo acompanhado...

No geral tem sido uma experiência positiva e todos os problemas que têm surgido são logo acompanhados pela equipa de suporte.


Tudo no geral. As funcionalidades que ofereceu satisfazem a larga maioria das necessidades a nível de exames.


Nem sempre é estável mas com a ajuda da equipa de suporte técnico é possível superar estas dificuldades.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 7.0 /10

Una herramienta intuitiva y en constante innovación

Reviewed on 2024/11/04

Una vez que te acostumbras a realizar los exámenes, es muy positivo que siempre vayan añadiendo...

Una vez que te acostumbras a realizar los exámenes, es muy positivo que siempre vayan añadiendo algún extra -como la corrección IA- lo que se une a lo intuitivo que es utilizar la herramienta. Aun hay que corregir algunos errores que, dependiendo del sistema operativo, puede ser más o menos serio, pero en general es una herramienta confiable y sólida.


Es una herramienta intuitiva. El soporte técnico es muy rápido y amable. Se adaptan a las necesidades del cliente. Cuando hay fallos que afectan a exámenes, el soporte técnico opera rápidamente y siempre dan una solución o alternativas.


Aunque no son fallos graves, existen fallos a pequeña escala que pueden deslucir la experiencia del estudiante, con el consiguiente nerviosismo de los mismos durante los exámenes (cuelgues, botones que no funcionan, resolución incompatible, etc..

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

L'experience TestWe - IPESUP

Reviewed on 2024/10/17

Nous utilisons TestWe depuis quatre ans et avons rencontré très peu de problèmes. Lorsque cela est...

Nous utilisons TestWe depuis quatre ans et avons rencontré très peu de problèmes. Lorsque cela est arrivé, l'équipe technique a réagi rapidement en trouvant des solutions efficaces.


-Les fonctionnalités complètes de la plateforme qui propose tout type d'examen en ligne
-La disponibilité et réactivité de l'équipe technique et commerciale
-La communication claire et régulière de chaque nouveauté
-La compatibilité avec Microsoft et IOS en fait un outil polyvalent et accessible
-L'utilisation de cette plateforme par plusieurs concours officiel avec des effectifs importants
-Disponibilité du standard pour répondre aux questions des participants / étudiants


Le seul point à améliorer serait d'archiver les anciens utilisateurs de n-1

Overall rating
  • Industry: Research
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 6-12 months
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Recomendaria a plataforma

Reviewed on 2024/10/04

Ótimo atendimento pelo setor de vendas, com muito profissionalismo e rápido atendimento. Sistema...

Ótimo atendimento pelo setor de vendas, com muito profissionalismo e rápido atendimento. Sistema amigável de preparo, aplicação e correção das provas. Único ponto negativo é a dificuldade de contato com o suporte, que demora a reponde, dá respostas incompletas, não atende completamente as demandas e não tem um canal de contato rápido, como telefone ou APP como WhatsApp.


A alta possibilidade inviolabilidade durante o processo de prova


Contato com suporte demorado, não tem um canal imediato

Alternatives Considered

Reasons for Switching to TestWe

Segurança de inviolabilidade durante a aplicação da prova
Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Excelente experiência com a TestWe

Reviewed on 2024/10/01

Utilizamos a plataforma TestWe há três anos para realização dos processos seletivos no nosso...

Utilizamos a plataforma TestWe há três anos para realização dos processos seletivos no nosso programa de pós-graduação e a experiência sempre foi positiva para os candidatos e para os professores.


Excelente suporte técnico, plataforma de fácil navegação.


As provas devem ser conferidas após inserção na plataforma e antes da liberação aos candidatos.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 2–10 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 9.0 /10

Plataforma robusta e funcional

Reviewed on 2025/02/10


A interface é amigável e de fácil utilização. O ambiente de aplicação dos testes é seguro e a plataforma apresenta um conjunto de utilidades e soluções que atende bem o desenvolvimento das provas. O suporte oferecido aos alunos e professores também é, geralmente, bastante efetivo.


O sistema é incompatível com sistema operacionais distintos do Windows e do MacOS, com Linux, por exemplo. Além disso, eventualmente há problemas de incompatibilidade que não são passiveis de serem sanados. Tais problemas parecem ter ficado mais comuns desde as ultimas atualizações do aplicativo de testes ou dos sistemas operacionais.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 2+ years
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 8.0 /10

Avis Bachelor MSI

Reviewed on 2024/10/25

Globalement très satisfait et assez intuitif

Globalement très satisfait et assez intuitif


les évaluations pouvant se faire offline tout en étant sécurisées


parfois, les remontées des sujets vers la plateforme peuvent prendre du temps.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 501–1,000 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 10.0 /10

Surveillance des examens en ligne à l'université

Reviewed on 2024/10/24


L'organisation et la surveillance des examens en ligne en mode "offline" est un vrai plus.


L'impossibilité d'importer un quiz à l'aide d'un fichier (txt, xls)

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 8.0 /10

Bonne solution

Reviewed on 2024/11/06


Fiabilité lors du passage des épreuves à distance.


Parfois un peu long pour déposer les sujets la première fois.

Overall rating
  • Industry: Higher Education
  • Company size: 11–50 Employees
  • Used Monthly for 1+ year
  • Review Source

Overall rating

  • Value for Money
  • Ease of Use
  • Customer Support
  • Likelihood to recommend 9.0 /10

Satisfait, équipe réactive

Reviewed on 2024/11/06


la possibilité de faire passer des examens à des candidats hors territoire.


Certains candidats déplorent l'incompatibilité avec Chromebook.